Ultrasound of the Week - Testicular case
Clinical Indication
Testicular pain, inguinal pain, scrotal mass, etc.
Probe Selection
Linear Probe
Additional Views and Measurements
Side-by-side view the both testes comparing the blood flow, aka Spectacle view
Views of the epididymis
Spectral doppler assessment of the veins and arteries
Measurements of the testes in long and short views
Drape the patient with blue towels or chux exposing only the scrotum for comfort.
Start with the unaffected side first.
Move posterolateral with the probe in the sagittal orientation to get the best view of the epididymis.
Normal testes are approximately 2-3cm in width and 3-5cm in length in adults.
The normal width of the epididymis at the head is 0.9-1.2mm.