The following pertains to any and all online medical or drug information provided online to include, but not limited to, online drug reference information, medical calculators, database material, article content, medical images, etc.
All rights reserved. Emergency Medicine Ultrasound is advised by healthcare providers who provide medical information and education in generally accepted practices. The contributors rely primarily on peer-reviewed, published medical information and on the opinions of the editorial staff and independent peer-reviewers. All education and recommendations are considered to be educational and not meant to apply to specific patients or patient care scenarios. Any online information should be used appropriately in the context of the provider's legal role as a healthcare provider in their respective state or country. Emergency Medicine Ultrasound does not accept responsibility for the application of online information in direct or indirect patient care. It is the responsibility of the healthcare provider to ascertain the Food and Drug Administration status of each drug and to check the product information provided by the manufacturer of each drug or medical device for any changes. The editors and authors have made every effort to provide accurate and complete information and shall not be held responsible for any damage from any error, possible omission, or inaccuracy. To the extent that a related article provides information on legal issues, it is not intended to provide advice on any specific legal matter or factual situation. This information is not intended to create, and receipt of it does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship. Readers should not act upon this information without seeking professional legal counsel.
As it relates to the online medical calculators, Emergency Medicine Ultrasound and all others associated with the development and management of this website make no guarantee of the accuracy, correctness, or appropriateness of these calculators or their underlying formulas. In addition, the accuracy of results is dependent on the accuracy of the numbers supplied by the user of the calculator, for which Emergency Medicine Ultrasound have no responsibility or control over. Furthermore, it is the responsibility of the user to ensure that any formulas are appropriate for an individual and to determine the appropriate management based on the individual patient-care situation and thus all calculations should be independently confirmed. The provision of these tools does not constitute a medical consultation or professional relationship of any sort and are not intended to serve as professional medical or scientific advice. By using this website and these online calculators, the user acknowledges these limitations and takes full responsibility for any actions based on the tools available.
All images, logos, and branding are the direct personal property of the ultrasound developer, and copying or using images or data from this website without expressed written permission can result in legal action.