Sample Schedule (to be finalized on Day 1 of Rotation)
Week 1: Main topic - Physics, scanning basics, EFAST
Day 1: Intro (will need to schedule separately as their day 1 does not align with our EM Rotator’s day one).
Send pre-test ahead of time. Morning reading with assigned topics.
Day 2: Scan w/ US tech
Day 3: EM Didactics, Sim Center in afternoon, Scan w/ US tech at 4p
Day 4: US QA in Classroom 5 then scan in ED w/ Dr. Wilson
Day 5: Clinical shift with Dr. Wilson or Fellow based on clinical schedule
Week 2: Main topic - Aorta
Day 1: Scan w/ EM resident or Fellow
Day 2: Scan w/ US tech
Day 3: EM Didactics, Sim Center in afternoon, Scan w/ US tech at 4p
Day 4: US QA in Classroom 5 then scan in ED w/ Dr. Wilson
Day 5: Independent scanning - submit 5-10 studies on Qpath for review
Week 3: Main topic - Vascular Access/Procedural Ultrasound
Day 1: Independent scanning
Day 2: Scan w/ US tech
Day 3: EM Didactics, Sim Center in afternoon, Scan w/ US tech at 4p
Day 4: US QA in Classroom 5 then scan in ED w/ Dr. Wilson
Day 5: Independent scanning - submit 5-10 studies on Qpath
Week 4: Main Topic - Student’s choice
Day 1: Scan w/ EM Resident/Fellow
Day 2: Scan w/ US tech
Day 3: EM Didactics, Sim Center in afternoon, Scan w/ US tech at 4p
Day 4: US QA in Classroom 5: Present Journal Club or case report, SDOT w/ Wilson or Fellow in ED
Day 5: usually off to allow travel back to med school